Entergalactic – Adult Animated Movie

Set in New York City, Entergalactic stars Scott “Kid Cudi” Mescudi as Jabari, a charming, streetwear-clad artist on the cusp of real success. After a chance run-in with his cool new photographer neighbor, Meadow (Love Life’s Jessica Williams), Jabari has to figure out whether ahe can make space for love in his life.

Also check out snippets of Virgil Alboh (R.I.P.) and a display of streetwear troughout the movie.

Entergalactic boasts a massive and impressive supporting cast, including Timothée Chalamet as Jimmy, Jabari’s best friend and weed dealer, and Ty Dolla $ign as Ky, Jabari’s off-the-wall ride-or-die buddy. Hollywood star Laura Harrier plays Carmen, Jabari’s ex, while Vanessa Hudgens plays Karina, Meadow’s adorably pregnant bestie. Christopher Abbott, 070 Shake, Jaden Smith, Keith David, Teyana Taylor, Arturo Castry and Macaulay Culkin round out the rest of the crew.

Available on Netflix now!

Check the trailer here!

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